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Gideon's Trumpet: Book Review

Number of pages: 12

12 pages in length. Gideon's Trumpet is an account of a precedent setting ruling that changed the landscape of the American legal system. False accusations and time spent in jail were the catalysts to Gideon's hell-bent journey through the unfriendly maze of a system whereby only certain American citizens are bestowed the luxury of legal council based upon their ability to pay for it. Gideon's quest to challenge this system proved quite fruitful for a man whose own unsavory background might present him as a rather interesting choice for championing such a cause. Nonetheless, the previous offender took the opportunity availed to him by a nation of freedom fighters to secure one more right that was being withheld by the highest court in the land: a constitutional entitlement to lawful representation by the state despite the inability to pay. Along the winding path of this judicial journey, readers find out just how inequitable the United States court system has long been and come to rally behind a convicted criminal who strives to alter the skewed system for not only his benefit but also all who come behind him without the ability to afford legal representation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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